• Sunday Mornings

    On Sunday mornings we offer nursery, pre-children’s church, and children's church. Pre-children’s church and Children’s church kids start with their parents in the sanctuary and are dismissed after worship. They will have an age-appropriate lesson that teaches them about God, the Bible, and how it relates to their lives. After service, parents come to their classroom and pick them up.

  • Wednesday Night Kids Club

    We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Kids wing.

    Wednesday Nights we have five different small groups for children. These groups are designed to help children learn and grow in their faith.

    Royal Rangers is for boys from 1st grade through 5th grade.

    Rainbows is for preschool girls and boys as well as Kindergarten boys.

    Daises is for kindergarten and first-grade girls.

    Prims is for 2nd and 3rd grade girls.

    Stars are for 4th and 5th grade girls.

    Nursery (birth - 4 years old) is available for parents who are participating in our other Wednesday night classes.

  • BGMC

    BGMC stands for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. This is our mission education program for children. The aim is to help our kids learn about missions, teach them to pray, and empowers them to help by giving to reach the lost. Kids do this by collecting pocket change and put it into a buddy barrel.